
Tony Lewis Media Statement

Following Lord MacLaurin's recent announcement that he is not seeking re-election as Chairman of the England and Wales Cricket Board and subsequent speculation in the media, Tony Lewis has confirmed that he does not intend to stand for the position

Glamorgan CCC Media Release
Following Lord MacLaurin's recent announcement that he is not seeking re-election as Chairman of the England and Wales Cricket Board and subsequent speculation in the media, Tony Lewis has confirmed that he does not intend to stand for the position.
In a statement issued today he said:
"I was pleased that Glamorgan should ask me to stand as Chairman of the England and Wales Cricket Board, though that came at a time when Lord MacLaurin was still contemplating re-election and therefore before David Morgan had announced his own intention to stand.
I promised to make a decision that was not rushed. Lord MacLaurin's sudden announcement of impending retirement, however, requires a swifter decision for the benefit of the Counties.
Having considered the matter I am content not to seek election, especially as Glamorgan's David Morgan, who has already put in sterling work for the Board, is a friend from the same stable."