
Leicetershire sign Andrew McDonald for 2010

Leicestershire have signed Australian allrounder Andrew McDonald, but not for the current season

Cricinfo staff
Leicestershire have signed Australian allrounder Andrew McDonald, but not for the current season.
The county, whose chief executive, David Smith, went on record earlier this month as saying that he thought it was wrong to sign an Australian in an Ashes summer, have secured McDonald for 2010.
"Andrew comes very highly recommended from our sources in Australia, he has played the last four Test Matches for Australia and he is one of only five cricketers to have scored 750 runs and taken 25 wickets in a Sheffield Shield season," Smith said. "He will bring a strong all-round balance to the side and will also be a big asset for us in one day cricket."
Smith was at pains to emphasise that the county still prioritised English players and that in 2010 they would be playing nine English-qualified and two non-qualified cricketers in all matches.