
'I was an idiot' - Steyn apologises for IPL comments

Dale Steyn has called himself an 'idiot' for the comments he made about the Indian Premier League a few days ago

Cricinfo staff

'I was an idiot' - Dale Steyn reacting to his IPL comments © Getty Images
Dale Steyn has called himself an 'idiot' for the comments he made about the Indian Premier League a few days ago.
Steyn said that "the IPL was only four overs a game and it was like a paid holiday; you only had to work hard if you felt like it, which is probably why we finished second-last." However, in response, he was unreservedly apologetic.
"I was speaking just moments after being named as South Africa's cricketer of the year at a gala banquet and I was pretty emotional," he said. "I was trying to be funny and just ended up being stupid - I was an idiot.
"I was asked whether the IPL had been hard physically and I said 'no' because I only had to bowl four overs per game. The rest of my comments were meant to reinforce the fact that Twenty20 cricket is very, very different from Test cricket as far as wear and tear on the body is concerned.
"The truth is, I tried my absolute hardest for Bangalore in every game and I was as disappointed as anyone that we fared so poorly. I desperately regret my naivety and look forward to the opportunity of helping the franchise reach the semi-finals next year.
"I have written to the franchise to express my unreserved regret and apologies and tried to explain the circumstances of my comments. Sometimes, when you lose, you try to make a joke of it to lessen the disappointment. It was a stupid thing to say and a painful lesson for me to learn."