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Zimbabwe 254/5 50.0 5.08 1 won v West Indies Providence 4 Mar 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 206 49.5 4.13 1 lost v West Indies Providence 6 Mar 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 104 31.5 3.26 2 lost v West Indies Kingstown 10 Mar 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 141 48.2 2.91 1 lost v West Indies Kingstown 12 Mar 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 161 50.0 3.22 1 lost v West Indies Kingstown 14 Mar 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 289/4 48.2 5.97 2 won v India Bulawayo 28 May 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 118 24.5 4.75 1 lost v Sri Lanka Bulawayo 1 Jun 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 197/3 38.2 5.13 2 won v India Harare 3 Jun 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 240/2 47.5 5.01 2 won v Sri Lanka Harare 7 Jun 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 199 49.0 4.06 1 lost v Sri Lanka Harare 9 Jun 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 206/8 50.0 4.12 2 won v Ireland Harare 26 Sep 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 239/7 48.5 4.89 2 won v Ireland Harare 28 Sep 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 224 47.4 4.69 2 lost v Ireland Harare 30 Sep 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 287/6 50.0 5.74 2 lost v South Africa Bloemfontein 15 Oct 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 268 48.2 5.54 1 lost v South Africa Potchefstroom 17 Oct 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 127 29.0 4.37 2 lost v South Africa Benoni 22 Oct 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 209 49.0 4.26 1 won v Bangladesh Mirpur 1 Dec 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 191 46.2 4.12 1 lost v Bangladesh Mirpur 3 Dec 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 181 48.1 3.75 2 lost v Bangladesh Mirpur 6 Dec 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 188/6 50.0 3.76 1 lost v Bangladesh Chattogram 12 Dec 2010 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 171 46.2 3.69 2 lost v Australia Ahmedabad 21 Feb 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 298/9 50.0 5.96 1 won v Canada Nagpur 28 Feb 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 162 46.2 3.49 1 lost v New Zealand Ahmedabad 4 Mar 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 188 39.0 4.82 2 lost v Sri Lanka Pallekele 10 Mar 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 151/7 39.4 3.80 1 lost v Pakistan Pallekele 14 Mar 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 308/6 50.0 6.16 1 won v Kenya Eden Gardens 20 Mar 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 186/6 41.2 4.50 2 won v Bangladesh Harare 12 Aug 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 191/3 44.1 4.32 2 won v Bangladesh Harare 14 Aug 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 250/7 50.0 5.00 1 won v Bangladesh Harare 16 Aug 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 199 48.2 4.11 1 lost v Bangladesh Bulawayo 19 Aug 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 160 38.2 4.17 2 lost v Bangladesh Bulawayo 21 Aug 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 242/7 50.0 4.84 2 lost v Pakistan Bulawayo 8 Sep 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 225/6 50.0 4.50 1 lost v Pakistan Harare 11 Sep 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 242/9 50.0 4.84 2 lost v Pakistan Harare 14 Sep 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 231/6 50.0 4.62 1 lost v New Zealand Harare 20 Oct 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 259/8 50.0 5.18 1 lost v New Zealand Harare 22 Oct 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 329/9 49.5 6.60 2 won v New Zealand Bulawayo 25 Oct 2011 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 158 41.1 3.83 2 lost v New Zealand Dunedin 3 Feb 2012 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 231/8 50.0 4.62 2 lost v New Zealand Whangarei 6 Feb 2012 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 171 44.0 3.88 2 lost v New Zealand Napier 9 Feb 2012 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 181/9 50.0 3.62 2 lost v West Indies St George's 22 Feb 2013 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 273/8 50.0 5.46 1 lost v West Indies St George's 24 Feb 2013 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 211/9 50.0 4.22 1 lost v West Indies St George's 26 Feb 2013 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 148 32.1 4.60 2 lost v Bangladesh Bulawayo 3 May 2013 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 253/4 47.5 5.28 2 won v Bangladesh Bulawayo 5 May 2013 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 251/3 47.1 5.32 2 won v Bangladesh Bulawayo 8 May 2013 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 228/7 50.0 4.56 1 lost v India Harare 24 Jul 2013 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 236/9 50.0 4.72 2 lost v India Harare 26 Jul 2013 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 183 46.0 3.97 1 lost v India Harare 28 Jul 2013 investigate this query
Zimbabwe 144 42.4 3.37 1 lost v India Bulawayo 1 Aug 2013 investigate this query
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Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 3rd ODI, Mar 18, 2024 [ODI # 4745]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd ODI, Mar 15, 2024 [ODI # 4744]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 1st ODI, Mar 13, 2024 [ODI # 4743]
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