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Innings by innings list
India 74/2 32.0 2.31 -139 4 draw v Pakistan Lahore 29 Jan 1955 investigate this query
India 23/1 19.0 1.21 -102 4 draw v Pakistan Peshawar 12 Feb 1955 investigate this query
India 145 63.3 2.28 -17 2 draw v Pakistan Karachi 26 Feb 1955 investigate this query
India 69/2 32.0 2.15 -189 4 draw v Pakistan Karachi 26 Feb 1955 investigate this query
India 132 59.3 2.21 132 1 draw v New Zealand Eden Gardens 28 Dec 1955 investigate this query
India 136 78.2 1.73 -41 2 lost v Australia Eden Gardens 2 Nov 1956 investigate this query
India 136 69.2 1.96 -94 4 lost v Australia Eden Gardens 2 Nov 1956 investigate this query
India 124 62.5 1.97 -490 2 lost v West Indies Eden Gardens 31 Dec 1958 investigate this query
India 149 55.4 2.67 -173 3 lost v England Leeds 2 Jul 1959 investigate this query
India 140 85.3 1.63 140 1 lost v England The Oval 20 Aug 1959 investigate this query
India 135 59.4 2.26 135 1 lost v Australia Delhi 12 Dec 1959 investigate this query
India 149 77.1 1.93 -193 2 lost v Australia Chennai 13 Jan 1960 investigate this query
India 138 105.0 1.31 -55 3 lost v Australia Chennai 13 Jan 1960 investigate this query
India 127/4 57.0 2.22 -140 4 draw v Pakistan Eden Gardens 30 Dec 1960 investigate this query
India 16/0 2.0 8.00 -57 4 draw v Pakistan Delhi 8 Feb 1961 investigate this query
India 98 50.5 1.92 12 3 lost v West Indies Port of Spain 16 Feb 1962 investigate this query
India 92/3 17.0 5.41 -181 4 draw v New Zealand Eden Gardens 5 Mar 1965 investigate this query
India 88 33.3 2.62 -209 2 draw v New Zealand Brabourne 12 Mar 1965 investigate this query
India 73/3 9.1 7.96 4 4 won v New Zealand Delhi 19 Mar 1965 investigate this query
India 110 56.3 1.94 -124 3 lost v England Lord's 22 Jun 1967 investigate this query
India 92 36.3 2.52 -206 2 lost v England Birmingham 13 Jul 1967 investigate this query
India 59/2 13.3 4.37 1 4 won v New Zealand Wellington 29 Feb 1968 investigate this query
India 109 55.5 1.95 -167 4 lost v New Zealand Nagpur 3 Oct 1969 investigate this query
India 89 54.2 1.63 -92 2 draw v New Zealand Hyderabad (Deccan) 15 Oct 1969 investigate this query
India 76/7 46.4 1.62 -191 4 draw v New Zealand Hyderabad (Deccan) 15 Oct 1969 investigate this query
India 137 90.2 1.51 63 3 lost v Australia Brabourne 4 Nov 1969 investigate this query
India 125/3 49.4 2.51 2 4 won v West Indies Port of Spain 6 Mar 1971 investigate this query
India 123/0 30.0 4.10 -171 4 draw v West Indies Georgetown 19 Mar 1971 investigate this query
India 145/8 50.0 2.90 -37 4 draw v England Lord's 22 Jul 1971 investigate this query
India 65/3 27.0 2.40 -354 4 draw v England Manchester 5 Aug 1971 investigate this query
India 86/6 33.5 2.54 1 4 won v England Chennai 12 Jan 1973 investigate this query
India 42 17.0 2.47 -285 3 lost v England Lord's 20 Jun 1974 investigate this query
India 118 42.5 2.75 -267 4 lost v West Indies Bengaluru 22 Nov 1974 investigate this query
India 71/2 14.2x8 3.73 4 4 won v New Zealand Auckland 24 Jan 1976 investigate this query
India 81 26.3x8 2.30 -33 3 lost v New Zealand Wellington 13 Feb 1976 investigate this query
India 97 26.2 3.68 12 3 lost v West Indies Kingston 21 Apr 1976 investigate this query
India 122 51.5 2.35 -259 2 lost v England Delhi 17 Dec 1976 investigate this query
India 83 38.5 2.13 -200 4 lost v England Chennai 14 Jan 1977 investigate this query
India 43/0 19.0 2.26 -262 4 draw v Pakistan Faisalabad 16 Oct 1978 investigate this query
India 125/7 46.2 2.69 1 4 won v West Indies Chennai 12 Jan 1979 investigate this query
India 96 55.5 1.71 96 1 draw v England Lord's 2 Aug 1979 investigate this query
India 126 41.5 3.01 -147 2 draw v Pakistan Delhi 4 Dec 1979 investigate this query
India 78/0 18.0 4.33 3 4 won v Pakistan Chennai 15 Jan 1980 investigate this query
India 149 52.1 2.85 95 3 lost v England Wankhede 15 Feb 1980 investigate this query
India 135/8 75.0 1.80 -195 4 draw v Australia Adelaide 23 Jan 1981 investigate this query
India 128 50.4 2.52 -305 2 lost v England Lord's 10 Jun 1982 investigate this query
India 111/3 36.0 3.08 -264 4 draw v England The Oval 8 Jul 1982 investigate this query
India 135/7 28.0 4.82 -39 4 draw v Sri Lanka Chennai 17 Sep 1982 investigate this query
India 103 47.1 2.18 -138 4 lost v West Indies Ahmedabad 12 Nov 1983 investigate this query
India 90 30.0 3.00 -46 3 lost v West Indies Eden Gardens 10 Dec 1983 investigate this query
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