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MH Richardson 73 208 169 11 0 43.19 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
SP Fleming 117 281 198 14 2 59.09 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
SB Styris 108 258 174 16 0 62.06 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
NJ Astle 15 57 44 1 0 34.09 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
CD McMillan 0 1 1 0 0 0.00 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
JDP Oram 14 62 48 1 0 29.16 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
CL Cairns 12 22 17 3 0 70.58 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
BB McCullum 21 65 52 1 0 40.38 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
JEC Franklin 4* 33 17 0 0 23.52 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
KD Mills 0 5 4 0 0 0.00 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
CS Martin 2 3 4 0 0 50.00 1 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
MH Richardson 49 112 88 8 0 55.68 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
SP Fleming 45 163 108 5 0 41.66 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
BB McCullum 4 21 22 0 0 18.18 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
SB Styris 39 99 80 6 0 48.75 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
NJ Astle 0 7 4 0 0 0.00 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
CD McMillan 30 95 66 2 0 45.45 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
JEC Franklin 17 81 77 2 0 22.07 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
JDP Oram 0 10 10 0 0 0.00 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
CL Cairns 1 25 13 0 0 7.69 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
KD Mills 8 27 21 0 0 38.09 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
CS Martin 0* 13 0 0 0 - 3 v England Nottingham 10 Jun 2004 investigate this query
CD Cumming 12 57 45 2 0 26.66 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
JAH Marshall 52 201 147 5 0 35.37 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
HJH Marshall 160 323 250 22 2 64.00 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
SP Fleming 16 49 36 3 0 44.44 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
NJ Astle 114 279 203 17 0 56.15 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
L Vincent 0 3 2 0 0 0.00 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
BB McCullum 99 190 156 10 2 63.46 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
JEC Franklin 55 117 84 4 1 65.47 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
KD Mills 4 5 3 1 0 133.33 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
PJ Wiseman 27 46 35 2 1 77.14 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
CS Martin 1* 15 4 0 0 25.00 1 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
CD Cumming 16 104 73 0 0 21.91 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
JAH Marshall 39 174 122 6 0 31.96 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
HJH Marshall 6 21 17 0 0 35.29 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
PJ Wiseman 0 7 5 0 0 0.00 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
SP Fleming 41 157 121 4 1 33.88 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
NJ Astle 19 66 51 1 0 37.25 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
L Vincent 52 168 112 6 0 46.42 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
BB McCullum 7 16 12 1 0 58.33 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
JEC Franklin 7 22 14 0 0 50.00 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
KD Mills 22 37 31 4 0 70.96 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
CS Martin 4* 19 8 1 0 50.00 3 v Sri Lanka Napier 4 Apr 2005 investigate this query
CD Cumming 47 217 157 5 0 29.93 2 v Sri Lanka Wellington 11 Apr 2005 investigate this query
JAH Marshall 28 60 45 4 0 62.22 2 v Sri Lanka Wellington 11 Apr 2005 investigate this query
HJH Marshall 6 25 6 0 0 100.00 2 v Sri Lanka Wellington 11 Apr 2005 investigate this query
L Vincent 224 534 348 25 4 64.36 2 v Sri Lanka Wellington 11 Apr 2005 investigate this query
NJ Astle 0 1 1 0 0 0.00 2 v Sri Lanka Wellington 11 Apr 2005 investigate this query
SP Fleming 88 211 176 11 1 50.00 2 v Sri Lanka Wellington 11 Apr 2005 investigate this query
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Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd Test, Mar 30-Apr 3, 2024 [Test # 2537]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Sylhet, 1st Test, Mar 22-25, 2024 [Test # 2536]
New Zealand v Australia at Christchurch, 2nd Test, Mar 8-11, 2024 [Test # 2535]
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