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Innings by innings list
AR Border 200* 569 399 26 0 50.12 1 v England Leeds 22 Jul 1993 investigate this query
MJ Slater 219 460 321 15 5 68.22 2 v Sri Lanka Perth 8 Dec 1995 investigate this query
MA Taylor 334* 720 564 32 1 59.21 1 v Pakistan Peshawar 15 Oct 1998 investigate this query
ML Hayden 203 474 320 15 6 63.43 1 v India Chennai 18 Mar 2001 investigate this query
AC Gilchrist 204* 293 213 19 8 95.77 1 v South Africa Johannesburg 22 Feb 2002 investigate this query
JL Langer 250 578 407 30 1 61.42 1 v England Melbourne 26 Dec 2002 investigate this query
RT Ponting 206 491 362 24 1 56.90 1 v West Indies Port of Spain 19 Apr 2003 investigate this query
ML Hayden 380 622 437 38 11 86.95 1 v Zimbabwe Perth 9 Oct 2003 investigate this query
RT Ponting 242 508 352 31 0 68.75 1 v India Adelaide 12 Dec 2003 investigate this query
RT Ponting 257 590 458 25 0 56.11 2 v India Melbourne 26 Dec 2003 investigate this query
JL Langer 215 499 368 25 3 58.42 1 v New Zealand Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
RT Ponting 207 491 332 30 0 62.34 2 v Pakistan Sydney 2 Jan 2005 investigate this query
BJ Hodge 203* 469 332 22 0 61.14 3 v South Africa Perth 16 Dec 2005 investigate this query
JN Gillespie 201* 574 425 26 2 47.29 2 v Bangladesh Chattogram 16 Apr 2006 investigate this query
RT Ponting 209 523 354 25 0 59.03 1 v Pakistan Hobart 14 Jan 2010 investigate this query
MJ Clarke 329* 609 468 39 1 70.29 2 v India Sydney 3 Jan 2012 investigate this query
RT Ponting 221 516 404 21 0 54.70 1 v India Adelaide 24 Jan 2012 investigate this query
MJ Clarke 210 380 275 26 1 76.36 1 v India Adelaide 24 Jan 2012 investigate this query
MJ Clarke 259* 582 398 26 0 65.07 2 v South Africa Brisbane 9 Nov 2012 investigate this query
MJ Clarke 230 345 257 40 1 89.49 1 v South Africa Adelaide 22 Nov 2012 investigate this query
SPD Smith 215 503 346 25 1 62.13 1 v England Lord's 16 Jul 2015 investigate this query
DA Warner 253 409 286 24 2 88.46 1 v New Zealand Perth 13 Nov 2015 investigate this query
AC Voges 269* 410 285 33 0 94.38 1 v West Indies Hobart 10 Dec 2015 investigate this query
AC Voges 239 504 364 30 3 65.65 2 v New Zealand Wellington 12 Feb 2016 investigate this query
SPD Smith 239 578 399 30 1 59.89 2 v England Perth 14 Dec 2017 investigate this query
SPD Smith 211 513 319 24 2 66.14 1 v England Manchester 4 Sep 2019 investigate this query
DA Warner 335* 554 418 39 1 80.14 1 v Pakistan Adelaide 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
M Labuschagne 215 516 363 19 1 59.22 1 v New Zealand Sydney 3 Jan 2020 investigate this query
M Labuschagne 204 483 350 20 1 58.28 1 v West Indies Perth 30 Nov 2022 investigate this query
SPD Smith 200* 419 311 16 0 64.30 1 v West Indies Perth 30 Nov 2022 investigate this query
DA Warner 200 366 255 16 2 78.43 2 v South Africa Melbourne 26 Dec 2022 investigate this query
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Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd Test, Mar 30-Apr 3, 2024 [Test # 2537]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Sylhet, 1st Test, Mar 22-25, 2024 [Test # 2536]
New Zealand v Australia at Christchurch, 2nd Test, Mar 8-11, 2024 [Test # 2535]
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