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Innings by innings list
JA Raval 19 93 68 3 0 27.94 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
TWM Latham 8 30 21 0 0 38.09 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
KS Williamson 51 141 85 7 0 60.00 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
LRPL Taylor 25 48 40 1 0 62.50 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
HM Nicholls 41 166 125 5 0 32.80 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
BJ Watling 205 667 473 24 1 43.34 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
C de Grandhomme 65 152 108 7 1 60.18 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
MJ Santner 126 352 269 11 5 46.84 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
TG Southee 9 21 13 0 1 69.23 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
N Wagner 11* 10 5 1 1 220.00 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
TA Boult 1* 5 1 0 0 100.00 2 v England Mount Maunganui 21 Nov 2019 investigate this query
JA Raval 5 28 21 0 0 23.80 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
TWM Latham 105 249 172 16 0 61.04 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
KS Williamson 4 30 20 0 0 20.00 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
LRPL Taylor 53 155 100 8 0 53.00 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
HM Nicholls 16 64 48 3 0 33.33 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
BJ Watling 55 263 192 7 0 28.64 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
DJ Mitchell 73 250 159 8 1 45.91 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
MJ Santner 23 59 39 1 2 58.97 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
TG Southee 18 23 16 3 0 112.50 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
MJ Henry 5* 19 7 1 0 71.42 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
N Wagner 0 1 1 0 0 0.00 1 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
TWM Latham 18 44 29 2 0 62.06 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
JA Raval 0 7 2 0 0 0.00 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
KS Williamson 104* 310 234 11 0 44.44 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
LRPL Taylor 105* 276 186 11 2 56.45 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
HM Nicholls DNB - - - - - 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
MJ Henry DNB - - - - - 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
N Wagner DNB - - - - - 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
MJ Santner DNB - - - - - 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
TG Southee DNB - - - - - 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
BJ Watling DNB - - - - - 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
DJ Mitchell DNB - - - - - 3 v England Hamilton 29 Nov 2019 investigate this query
JA Raval 1 9 7 0 0 14.28 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
TWM Latham 0 3 2 0 0 0.00 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
KS Williamson 34 101 70 7 0 48.57 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
LRPL Taylor 80 205 134 9 0 59.70 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
HM Nicholls 7 29 18 0 0 38.88 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
N Wagner 0 1 1 0 0 0.00 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
BJ Watling 8 40 29 1 0 27.58 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
C de Grandhomme 23 43 21 3 0 109.52 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
MJ Santner 2 39 19 0 0 10.52 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
TG Southee 8 34 29 1 0 27.58 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
LH Ferguson 0* 3 2 0 0 0.00 2 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
JA Raval 1 29 21 0 0 4.76 4 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
TWM Latham 18 110 68 1 0 26.47 4 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
KS Williamson 14 15 8 3 0 175.00 4 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
LRPL Taylor 22 55 42 3 0 52.38 4 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
HM Nicholls 21 73 54 1 0 38.88 4 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
BJ Watling 40 153 106 4 0 37.73 4 v Australia Perth 12 Dec 2019 investigate this query
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