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Imtiaz Ahmed 209 380 - 28 0 - 2 v New Zealand Lahore 26 Oct 1955 investigate this query
Hanif Mohammad 337 970 - 24 0 - 3 v West Indies Bridgetown 17 Jan 1958 investigate this query
Hanif Mohammad 203* 445 - 33 0 - 1 v New Zealand Lahore 2 Apr 1965 investigate this query
Zaheer Abbas 274 544 467 38 0 58.67 1 v England Birmingham 3 Jun 1971 investigate this query
Mushtaq Mohammad 201 383 - 20 0 - 1 v New Zealand Dunedin 7 Feb 1973 investigate this query
Zaheer Abbas 240 545 410 22 0 58.53 1 v England The Oval 22 Aug 1974 investigate this query
Javed Miandad 206 410 - 29 2 - 1 v New Zealand Karachi 30 Oct 1976 investigate this query
Zaheer Abbas 235* 375 - 29 2 - 2 v India Lahore 27 Oct 1978 investigate this query
Taslim Arif 210* 435 379 20 0 55.40 2 v Australia Faisalabad 6 Mar 1980 investigate this query
Mohsin Khan 200 495 386 23 0 51.81 1 v England Lord's 12 Aug 1982 investigate this query
Zaheer Abbas 215 334 254 23 2 84.64 1 v India Lahore 10 Dec 1982 investigate this query
Mudassar Nazar 231 627 444 21 1 52.02 1 v India Hyderabad (Sind) 14 Jan 1983 investigate this query
Javed Miandad 280* 696 460 19 1 60.86 1 v India Hyderabad (Sind) 14 Jan 1983 investigate this query
Qasim Umar 210 685 442 27 0 47.51 2 v India Faisalabad 24 Oct 1984 investigate this query
Qasim Umar 206 - - - 0 - 2 v Sri Lanka Faisalabad 16 Oct 1985 investigate this query
Javed Miandad 203* - - - 1 - 2 v Sri Lanka Faisalabad 16 Oct 1985 investigate this query
Javed Miandad 260 617 521 28 1 49.90 1 v England The Oval 6 Aug 1987 investigate this query
Javed Miandad 211 636 441 29 1 47.84 1 v Australia Karachi 15 Sep 1988 investigate this query
Javed Miandad 271 558 465 28 5 58.27 1 v New Zealand Auckland 24 Feb 1989 investigate this query
Shoaib Mohammad 203* 484 338 20 0 60.05 2 v India Lahore 1 Dec 1989 investigate this query
Shoaib Mohammad 203* 656 411 23 0 49.39 2 v New Zealand Karachi 10 Oct 1990 investigate this query
Aamer Sohail 205 343 284 32 0 72.18 1 v England Manchester 2 Jul 1992 investigate this query
Saleem Malik 237 443 328 34 0 72.25 3 v Australia Rawalpindi 5 Oct 1994 investigate this query
Wasim Akram 257* 490 363 22 12 70.79 2 v Zimbabwe Sheikhupura 17 Oct 1996 investigate this query
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Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd Test, Mar 30-Apr 3, 2024 [Test # 2537]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Sylhet, 1st Test, Mar 22-25, 2024 [Test # 2536]
New Zealand v Australia at Christchurch, 2nd Test, Mar 8-11, 2024 [Test # 2535]
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