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Overall figures
SM Gavaskar 1979-1983 32 50 5 1970 127* 43.77 4288+ 42.81* 4 11 1 investigate this query
DB Vengsarkar 1979-1983 31 48 5 1567 146* 36.44 3634+ 38.52* 2 11 3 investigate this query
Yashpal Sharma 1979-1983 24 37 6 1131 140 36.48 3019+ 35.34* 2 6 3 investigate this query
GR Viswanath 1979-1983 31 49 2 1437 131 30.57 2786+ 47.73* 3 8 3 investigate this query
SMH Kirmani 1979-1983 33 46 8 1008 101* 26.52 2290+ 41.04* 1 5 5 investigate this query
CPS Chauhan 1979-1981 17 28 1 976 97 36.14 2277+ 36.62* 0 8 2 investigate this query
N Kapil Dev 1979-1983 33 49 4 1424 116 31.64 1624+ 83.00* 1 8 4 investigate this query
SM Patil 1980-1983 20 31 4 980 129* 36.29 1226+ 66.39* 2 6 3 investigate this query
RJ Shastri 1981-1982 12 15 2 266 93 20.46 910 29.23 0 2 2 investigate this query
M Amarnath 1979-1983 6 9 1 348 109* 43.50 893+ 38.52* 1 3 0 investigate this query
KD Ghavri 1979-1981 17 23 6 368 86 21.64 821+ 41.16* 0 1 2 investigate this query
NS Yadav 1979-1982 15 19 6 207 43 15.92 661+ 28.59* 0 0 2 investigate this query
S Madan Lal 1981-1983 14 17 5 367 74 30.58 646+ 49.69* 0 3 1 investigate this query
RMH Binny 1979-1983 9 14 2 244 83* 20.33 581 41.99 0 1 5 investigate this query
DR Doshi 1979-1983 33 38 10 129 20 4.60 402+ 32.08* 0 0 14 investigate this query
J Arun Lal 1982-1983 4 7 0 164 63 23.42 268+ 37.31* 0 2 1 investigate this query
K Srikkanth 1981-1983 5 8 0 126 65 15.75 239 52.71 0 1 1 investigate this query
P Roy 1982-1982 2 3 1 71 60* 35.50 230 30.86 0 1 0 investigate this query
TE Srinivasan 1981-1981 1 2 0 48 29 24.00 186 25.80 0 0 0 investigate this query
KBJ Azad 1981-1981 3 4 0 71 24 17.75 182 39.01 0 0 0 investigate this query
BS Sandhu 1983-1983 1 2 0 83 71 41.50 115 72.17 0 1 0 investigate this query
MV Narasimha Rao 1979-1979 2 3 1 35 20* 17.50 111 31.53 0 0 0 investigate this query
Maninder Singh 1982-1983 3 6 1 24 12* 4.80 83 28.91 0 0 2 investigate this query
AO Malhotra 1982-1982 3 4 0 36 31 9.00 58 62.06 0 0 2 investigate this query
SV Nayak 1982-1982 2 3 1 19 11 9.50 49 38.77 0 0 0 investigate this query
Yajurvindra Singh 1979-1979 1 1 0 15 15 15.00 47 31.91 0 0 0 investigate this query
GAHM Parkar 1982-1982 1 2 0 7 6 3.50 45 15.55 0 0 0 investigate this query
S Venkataraghavan 1979-1983 4 4 1 14 5 4.66 19+ 21.05* 0 0 0 investigate this query
RC Shukla 1982-1982 1 - - - - - - - - - - investigate this query
AD Gaekwad 1983-1983 1 2 1 77 66* 77.00 - - 0 1 0 investigate this query
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