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Innings by innings list
KD Walters 250 394 342 30 2 73.09 1 v New Zealand Christchurch 18 Feb 1977 investigate this query
GS Chappell 235 441 363 21 0 64.73 1 v Pakistan Faisalabad 6 Mar 1980 investigate this query
GS Chappell 204 408 296 27 0 68.91 2 v India Sydney 2 Jan 1981 investigate this query
KJ Hughes 213 383 301 21 0 70.76 1 v India Adelaide 23 Jan 1981 investigate this query
GS Chappell 201 417 296 6 0 67.90 2 v Pakistan Brisbane 27 Nov 1981 investigate this query
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Statsguru includes the following current or recent Test matches:
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd Test, Mar 30-Apr 3, 2024 [Test # 2537]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Sylhet, 1st Test, Mar 22-25, 2024 [Test # 2536]
New Zealand v Australia at Christchurch, 2nd Test, Mar 8-11, 2024 [Test # 2535]
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